Friday, 26 March 2010

Once Upon a Time IV

out4 Each year, Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings hosts the Once Upon a Time challenge. It’s a chance to read fantasy, mythology, folklore and fairy tales. It is, of course, right up my alley. Last year was the first time I signed up. I didn’t quite manage to complete it, easily reading the books component, but not managing to watch A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I was going to take the easy way and just sign up for the books this year, but I’ve decided to take the risk. It won’t be the end of the world if I don’t manage it and it gives me something to aim for.

out4questthree So I’ve decided to aim for “Quest the Third”. The challenge is to read at least 5 books that fit somewhere within the Once Upon a Time IV criteria. They might all be fantasy, or folklore, or fairy tales, or mythology…or your five books might be a combination from the four genres AND top it off with a June reading of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream OR a viewing of one of the many theatrical versions of the play. I’m planning to watch the play rather than read it.

The timetable for the challenge is between Sunday, 21st March and Sunday, 20th June 2010.

My Once Upon a Time IV reading list (reviews over on Saving My Sanity...):

  1. Enchanted Glass – Diana Wynne Jones
  2. Archangel’s Kiss – Nalini Singh
  3. The Ivory and the Horn - Charles de Lint
  4. Howl's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
  5. At Grave's End - Jeaniene Frost
  6. Silver Borne - Patricia Briggs
  7. Heart Mate - Robin D. Owen
  8. The Girl Who Chased the Moon - Sarah Addison Allen
  9. The Iron King - Julie Kagawa
  10. Many Waters - Madeleine L'Engle
  11. Sunshine - Robin McKinley

Once again I failed to watch the play (usual excuse of bad health and little energy), but I'm happy with the books I managed to get read. And if nothing else, it is lovely opportunity to see what books I'm reading in a certain genre over a certain amount of time.


  1. Hi Kerry!
    I just joined this challenge, too. I didn't even think of using Archangel's Kiss as one of my books!! I loved the first in the series and even have this one on my TBR pile! Thanks for the idea! :)

    Good luck with your quest!

  2. I think it counts as fantasy as it's way more than just a romance and the world building is excellent.
