Thursday, 31 December 2009

2010 Sci Fi Experience


Chris of Stainless Steel Dropping hosts some wonderful challenges. I haven’t tried his Sci Fi Experience before, but I going to this year and see if I can get some of those SF books languishing on the TBR read at last.

The Sci Fi Experience 2010 will take place from January 1st, 2010 through February 28th, 2010. During this time I will be following what is my natural inclination during these winter months, and that is to fully embrace science fiction, in my reading, film/tv watching, and game playing. Two years ago I decided to share this winter reading predilection with all of you wonderful readers in the hopes that perhaps others would join me in experiencing the unique joy that comes with entertaining science fiction stories. There is no official sign up, no call to read a certain number of books, no pressure to challenge yourself in any way. Nothing about this two month period of science fiction celebration should cause anyone to feel obligated to participate. I host two other very involved challenges throughout the year and the last thing I want to do is start a new year adding stress to your busy lives, or my own.

My list of potential reads is over on Saving My Sanity… Let’s see what I actually read.

  1. The Knife of Never Letting Go - Patrick Ness
  2. Mirror Dance - Lois McMaster Bujold
  3. A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle
  4. The Ask and the Answer - Patrick Ness
  5. Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale - Russell T. Davies and Benjamin Cook
  6. Doubleblind - Ann Aguirre
  7. A Wind in the Door - Madeleine L'Engle
  8. This Alien Shore - C. S. Friedman
  9. Life As We Knew It - Susan Beth Pfeffer

Nine books completed.

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