2010 Reading:
Books read in 2010 = 52
Short Stories read in 2010 = 7
Total reads in 2010 = 59
10/10 reads in 2010 = 6
DNFs in 2010 = 3
New reads in 2010 = 40
Rereads in 2010 = 19
paper books : eBooks = 31 : 28 = 53 % : 47 %
Pages read in 2010 (according to Goodreads) = 19335
2010 Challenges Progress:
Flashback Reading Challenge = 17
Big Book Challenge = 6
2010 List Progress:
eBooks read = 28
SFF books read = 46
Library Books read = 17
Audiobooks listened to = 0
2010 Completed Challenges:
Sci Fi Experience = 9
Once Upon a Time IV Challenge = 11
Time Quintet Readalong = 4