2009 Reading:
Books read for 2009 = 67
DNFs for 2009 = 8
10/10 for 2009 = 8
New reads for 2009 = 53
Rereads for 2009 = 8
paper books : eBooks =30: 31 = 49% : 51%
2009 Challenges Progress:
100+ Reading Challenge = 64
Support Your Local Library Challenge = 17 (Stage 1 Completed 3-04-09)
Romance Reading Challenge = 16 (Challenge Completed 25-02-09)
YA Reading Challenge = 8
eBook Reading Challenge = 30 (Challenge Completed 24-02-09)
Patricia A. McKillip Reading Challenge = 2
2009 Non-Challenges Progress:
SF/Fantasy books read = 39
Audiobooks listened to = 6
Completed 2009 Challenges
Once Upon a Time III Challenge = 7 (Books Component Completed 22-04-09; Challenge Ended 20-6-09 with A Midsummer Night’s Dream unwatched. Result = Failed, but only just)